Thursday, August 20, 2009

The Ol' Ticker

From 5 PM on August 18th to 6PM on August 19th, I was in a local emergency room with chest pains. The bottom line is that whatever caused the pain, was not related to my heart.
Good to know. But it got me thinking.

Actually, my vegan offspring got me thinking. Let us get one thing clear here, I will not become a vegan and have no desire to become a vegan. However I am thinking that on certain days, I can become vegan-ish. Or vegan-like.

When I returned home from the hospital, I did not eat the Locatelli cheese that usually accompanies my pasta. I did not put milk on my blueberries. I am thinking that maybe I should not have coffee today. I love my Dunkin Donuts with lots of skim milk, but maybe I will not drink it today. Maybe today, I will boil a potato and a zucchini and eat a tomato for lunch and have a nice salad with olive oil and balsamic for dinner. Maybe that will be good. I do not know what I will eat tomorrow, but that is what I will eat today. Or something like it.

So let me tell you what they offered me in the "Rapid Diagnostic Unit" (kind of like a hospital ward - where they give you a real bed, will feed you and attend to you and be right there for you, but is not officially a "room".) Would it shock you to learn that the patient with a suspected cardiac event gets the following for breakfast: two muffins, coffee, apple juice, cornflakes with whole milk? I called the nurse in. I pushed that buzzer and when she came I said, "I do not eat muffins." ( I neglected to say that I devour cake, but it is true, I do not eat muffins, especially muffins wrapped in celophane.) I handed her the muffins and she took them away. I didn't touch the other stuff either. I just starved.

I may be the patient from hell, but would you not also be angry that this is what they give to people who are sick? This stuff will make them sicker.

So, for the day - today only - I will see what I can do to make sure that food made wholly from plant material enters my body. And this does not include Oreo cookies or coke.

If I get stuck for a recipe, I can always come back to this blog. I will let you know how TODAY goes.

1 comment:

  1. i hope it went well! i'm glad you're doing this. if you want something to put on your cereal and in milk, i recommend almond or oat milk - or, of course, good old fashioned soy, which will always be my favorite even if i can't have it anymore.
